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72 hours of structured CPD across 12 six-hour workshops for 2025.
36 hours of CPD from just £600 per delegate.
Microsoft Teams
6 hours structured (9:30am - 4:40pm) with a CPD certificate provided.
You will receive all learning materials featured on each course, such as slides and spreadsheets, and a recording of the workshop.
All courses designed and delivered by Michaela Pashley FPFS PoFP.
All workshops charged at £240. There are discount codes available for existing customers and clients.
Our Rolling 36-Hour Annual Plan has its own discounted charging structure detailed below.
We can deliver all workshops privately for £899. Please email us at to enquire.
Get ALL your annual CPD from us for and choose any SIX sessions.
There's no messing around with Teams recordings - we upload our workshops to YouTube via private link for you to watch anytime.
Our Rolling 36-Hour CPD Plan is designed to replace computer-based training courses with practical, engaging, live training that genuinely enhances your business, knowledge, and financial planning skills.
We produce and update your CPD record on an ongoing basis. If your Professional Body asks to see yours, all you need to do is ask us to provide it to you, and it's all there on a spreadsheet.
We're running 12 workshops this year - one per month. All you need to do is choose SIX of them, including (if you're advising on life assurance) THREE IDD qualifying ones.
The cost depends on the number of Advisers you're signing up.
1 Adviser = £1,200 (£200 per workshop)
2 Advisers = £1,000 each (£166.67 per workshop)
3 Advisers = £800 each (133.33 per workshop)
4 Advisers or more = £600 each (£100 per workshop)
This is to cover SIX workshops over the next TWELVE months, and payment is due upfront.
If you want to attend more, no problem! The cost to attend additional workshops is equal to the "per workshop" rate confirmed above.
Once you sign up, we'll add you to the invites for the courses you've selected, and you'll be included on the emails with any updates and learning materials. Then, all you need to do is join the course when the time comes. That's it. Simple as.
Capacity for Loss (CFL) is a core part of a client's risk profile. Rory Percival described it as a "hard-nosed number", and the FCA has suggested the way some Advisers are calculating and evaluating CFL falls short of their expectations. We will delve deep into the FCA's guidance and provide a reliable, repeatable method of calculating CFL in any given financial planning situation.
The course has a practical element, and you'll be expected to complete the calculations and evaluations with help throughout the day, and by yourself by the end.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
Dedicated to the analysis, delivery, and documentation of annual financial planning reviews. The Masterclass is designed to showcase how you can add real value to your ongoing advice process.
This course covers the end-to-end annual review process, and is essential for Financial Advisers and Paraplanners engaged in ongoing advice reviews.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
Pension switching (DC to DC) is a core component of many financial planning businesses, and if you're one of them, it's vital to keep up-to-date with the latest regulatory guidance and best practice. We'll be covering:
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
With tax constantly being tinkered with by successive governments, and such a complex system, it's vital to keep up-to-date in this area. In this Masterclass, we will work our way through various calculations across Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, and Inheritance Tax. Specifically, we'll be covering:
This Masterclass is essential CPD for anyone working with retail financial planning clients - it should be a cornerstone of your annual CPD!
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
Investment planning is a core area of financial advice, and in this session, we'll be covering:
The Masterclass covers both new and replacement business, and focuses on practical investment planning, working with clients, and communicating the suitability of your investment recommendations.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
What we're famous for! Our Soft and Sales Skills for Financial Advisers Masterclass covers everything from telephone pitch meetings to presenting your advice, and everything in-between:
We will do a deep-dive into specialist skills backed up by science, including voice training, seating arrangements for meetings, incorporating guidance from organisations like the British Dyslexia Association into your suitability reports, and generating leads via referrals.
Learning Outcomes
Protection is a hugely important and profitable area of financial planning, and this Masterclass focuses not only on recapping the technical knowledge you need, but on planning opportunities, suitability report writing, stress-testing protection plans, and the calculation and justification of protection amounts.
If you're in this space already, it's sure to give you a fantastic recap of everything you need to know, as well as a few new ideas for improvement.
If you're not yet in this space, this will teach you to spot opportunities and capitalise on them - then deliver a compliant, professional service.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
This is your legislative and regulatory masterclass, designed to replace those boring computer-based training modules you know and hate.
As well as any changes in legislation and regulation, we'll be covering:
... And much more! This course is designed to replace those boring computer-based training modules you force yourself to click through each year.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
There are some huge changes in the works regarding IHT, including pensions coming more into its scope, Business Relief rates, and for non-domiciled clients.
This Masterclass aims to bring you bang up-to-date with the legislative changes, as well as providing a refresher on life assurance (including how to calculate the amount of cover needed, and no, it's not simply the current IHT with an RPI-linked policy), life office trusts, and calculations.
This is essential for anyone working in the IHT space.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
Defined benefit pension transfers are one of the most heavily regulated areas of financial planning, and if you're in this space, you need 15 hours per year of pension transfer-focused CPD. This workshop provides six of those hours.
If you're not in the DB transfer arena, it's still incredibly useful to keep up-to-date with how these schemes operate. You don't have to be a PTS to recommend the purchase of a lifetime annuity or give general advice on a DB scheme, such as whether the client should take their tax-free cash.
We'll be covering:
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
We believe that MS Excel is the most flexible, powerful cashflow modelling tool in a Financial Planner's arsenal.
One retail financial planning client recently commented: "This is very different from the cashflow I've had from other Advisers who use a cashflow program. They input all the numbers and it produces a nice looking report, but it's a black box and they don't know how the figures have been produced. With your advice, I can see exactly how all the numbers have been arrived at."
In this six-hour masterclass, spreadsheet sorcerous Michaela Pashley will explain and demonstrate how to use Excel to produce stunning cashflow models, and then coach you on how to produce your own.
The course has a practical element, and you'll be expected to complete your own models and explain them in a suitability report with help throughout the day, and by yourself by the end.
Learning Outcomes
With the announcements in the Autumn Budget, investment bonds are looking more attractive than they have historically. With higher rates of Capital Gains Tax (CGT), lower CGT annual exemptions, a lower Dividend Allowance, and tax on investment bonds not changing, they're turning heads of Financial Advisers and their clients. Therefore, it's the perfect time to top-up your knowledge on the subject.
In this six-hour masterclass, investment bond expert Michaela Pashley will delve deep into how bonds work, including insurable interest, segmentation, and top-slicing relief, through to more practical elements such as justifying their recommendation within a suitability report.
The course has a practical element, and you'll be expected to complete top-slicing calculations and write recommendations and evaluations with help throughout the day, and by yourself by the end.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
The day will consist of going through a practice paper and covering off the main areas of challenge, including derivatives, economics, calculations, and modern portfolio theory.
It's perfect if you're studying for AF4, or if you're looking for 6 hours of quality structured CPD.